Alex Lovell - Official Website


Having trained as an actress and moved into TV as a live presenter you would think it would be the lights and cameras that Alex craves but one of the roles she has most enjoyed of late has been as a voiceover artist.

"You get sealed into a soundproof booth with a glass of water, pen and script for company! You'd be forgiven for thinking that sounds awful but it's such a great job! Maybe it hails back to acting as the VO artist's interpretation and intonation can change the whole feel of a piece."

Alex's first full series as voiceover artist was Ch4 and E4's 'Fool Around...'

"This was reality-meets-dating and had the same quick turn around as something like Big Brother i.e. you would be voicing over events that happened the previous day for transmission that night. It was really good fun to work on!"

The next series was Discovery's Wedding Planners.

"Another pleasure to work on. The producers were so lovely and knew exactly the tone they wanted for the programme. This is critical if the vo artist is to provide the sound they're after."

Alex has provided voice-overs for Ch4's 'Deal or No Deal', Five's 'In The Grid', GMTV, ITV1, BBC Points West, BBC1 Continuity and numerous corporate productions.